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Social media ‘Boost Button’

Sharing is caring!

Using the ‘boost’ button is an easy way of advertising on Facebook. However, there are a few disadvantages of using it compared to advertising via Facebook’s free tool Ads Manager.

Note: if you would like to promote only one update one time, using the boost button is no problem. But for real results, we would love to teach you the real deal.

Here are a few cons for using the boost button:


With the boost button, you will reach (without any extra settings) only the friends of the people who like your page. But who says the friends of your fans share the same interests?

Seems like wasted money.


When you use the first option in target selection (friends of fans) the chance you receive foreign likes for your page is huge. For example, your business is in Curacao but many of your page fans lived in The Netherlands for a long time. The main part of their friends still live in The Netherlands. This way you’re not targeting the audience that is actually living in the area your business is situated.


The second option for your target audience selection via the boost button, is to target people for the demographic characteristics. Think about: city of residence, age, sex and interests they shared on Facebook.

These selection possibilities are very limited in comparison to the ones from Ads Manager.


Due to the minimal possibilities of target selection with the boost button, a large part of your budget will be spend on people who won’t be interested in your updates. And that’s what it’s all about right? You only want to pay for your Facebook ads when they actually reach your target audience.

Would you like to learn more about effective advertising via Facebook? We would love to assist you. Contact us for more information.